Products and Packs
Our standard pack sizes are 10kg, 20kg, 50kg, 500kg and 1000kg. However, we pack specifically for each customer order, so if your recipe or batch size requires a different quantity, we will pack it for you. This can save time and aid accuracy in your processes.
We fill special pack sizes every day.

Egg Distribution
We have a modern fleet of 10 temperature controlled vehicles for our deliveries, but if required we also use trusted logistics partners. Our vehicles all have temperature monitoring and tracking systems fitted, so your delivery arrives in prime condition.
We deliver across Northern England every day.

Our processing facility is BRCGS certified.
We provide a wide range of egg products and pack types, including:
- Pasteurised Whole UK Hen Egg
- Lion Code
- Free Range
- Lion Code Free Range
- Egg Yolks and Whites
- Egg product Blends
- Hard Boiled & Shell Eggs

Our Egg products
Please note – egg products are supplied by contract only, and not for sale online.
Our pasteurised liquid egg provides many benefits to food manufacturers and bakers compared to using shell eggs. There are significant benefits in terms of convenience, efficiency and safety. Our liquid egg products are guaranteed free of pathogens.
To ensure the highest degree of food safety and traceability we only use eggs laid in the UK for our egg products. Our eggs for processing are drawn from most of the egg farmers of the region, we also collect eggs from Yorkshire, Cumbria, Lincolnshire, Southern Scotland and Northern Ireland . All our supplying farms are audited to ensure high standard of food safety, quality, and animal welfare are maintained.
Eggs are bought to a specification, and are inspected at booking in to ensure they make the grade for our process. They are labelled for our in house traceability system
Eggs are stored prior to use in dedicated shell egg stores, at 8 degrees celcius.
Eggs are broken on a special machine, which opens the egg, empties out the contents, and discards the shells. The machine breaks 12 eggs every second, which allows us to break a million eggs in a sensible working week. The egg contents are inspected for quality, then filtered to remove ‘chelaze’ which are the little springs that hold the yolk in the middle of the egg. Following this the liquid is chilled and kept in a chilled tank for pasteurisation.
Our pasteuriser is a fully automatic, state of the art, triple tube machine. The egg is heated to 67 degrees, held for 2.5 minutes, and cooled to 4 degrees. This temperature profile guarantees the destruction of salmonella, and also destroys 99.9999% of bacteria in the egg liquid. Together with the use of positive displacement and diaphragm pumps this temperature profile ensures the egg is treated as gently as possible. This means that nearly all of the positive properties of the egg remain – to perform in your recipe. During pasteurisation all temperatures, flow rates, and pressures are monitored and recorded every second.
Following pasteurisation the liquid is pumped to our filling room and packed into containers for delivery.
Contact Us
Call: 0191 265 9161
Email: orders@lowriefoods.co.uk
Visit: Lowrie Foods Ltd
153 Brinkburn Street
Newcastle, NE6 2BU