0191 265 9161 orders@lowriefoods.co.uk

Retail Butchery

Lowrie foods excel in providing high quality meat

We have 125 years experience in the food trade and we use this to satisfy our customers with the best possible meat at great value prices.

We work with a strictly limited number of suppliers who have demonstrated over many years that they can deliver consistently high quality meat.

Our Beef is sourced from Moy Valley in Ireland, and from Jarrett’s in the South West. Our pork comes from Danish Crown, and Westvlees of Belgium. Our poultry comes from regional suppliers in Yorkshire and Cumbria

Talk to our butchers

Come in and talk to our skilled butchery team, we can cut our meat precisely to your requirements

We can deliver meat to your premises, provided you are a trade or commercial customer, or a charity or voluntary group.

We are sorry but we are unable to deliver meat to residential addresses.

Opening Hours

Warehouse Sales

Mon – Fri : 07:00 – 16:30
Sat : 07:00 – 12:00

Butchery Counter

Mon – Fri : 07:00 – 16:00
Sat : 07:00 – 12:00

Please Note

Unlike many other suppliers, we are a genuine warehouse retail outlet. We offer highly competetive pricing without compromise. If you are visiting us with children, please be aware we are a fully active warehouse / factory environment and it is important for children to be kept under close supervision.

Find Us

13 + 12 =

Contact Us

Call: 0191 265 9161
Email: orders@lowriefoods.co.uk
Visit: Lowrie Foods Ltd
153 Brinkburn Street
Newcastle, NE6 2BU